Friday 27 April 2012


media evalutation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My media product doesn’t really challenge the conventions of my chosen genre but just support the ideas of hip hop how bling and so called excess is the main aspect of it and that women are mostly objects of sexual desire I choose to present my actors in more positive and negative ways for example I use the males and the dominant figures of the video and at the same time I used the females as sexual objects and that is very present in and throughout the video

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The main things that link my media pieces together is my clever use of imagery that not only link to each other but also possess a general theme to my video. The ancillary text compliment my video but also at the same time contrast with it as my ancillary texts have a very light and bright hip hop theme and my video is in turn very dark this contrast adds a juxtaposition to my media work and thus creates a good brand image to my pieces 

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I learnt from my audience when appealing to my hip-hop audience is that sex and excess sell the best most people would prefer to watch a video with flash and bling and the so called ‘hip hop big booty honeys’ than a video with a message and a political prowess towards it the reason behind this is that as an audience they seek to be withdrawn from their own life which compared to the glitz and glam of hip-hop can be very mundane they want t be transported and enticed in to a world that they only can dream of

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Media technology was used throughout the whole of my project from the design of my album art to the magazine and also the video itself applications and software tools such as Photoshop Sony Vegas and also iPhone apps such as instgram were used to edit and alter my pictures and videos to give it the new and modern look and twist to things 

2 Print advert RAILINGS

Audiance profile

Magazine Advert/ Tour Dates

kanye west - monster video railing

The start of the video is very graphic and show women hanging from their necks like pieces of meat, a very strong and sexual image to start of the video and sets the tone for the entire video a small focus is drawn to the women’s shoes hanging from the floor then the head showing she is fully hung form the floor it then cuts off to the title and the songs beats and lyrics begin
The song begins with artist rick room sat on a somewhat thrown looking chair with the women hanging around him he is depicted as a powerful yet mysterious person in the video. From what i can perceive of the way rick ross is portrayed a slight B.I.G emulation is being portrayed by him at this particular moment dress in red to symbolise power and danger and 0in a black room his position is of great power and mystery.
The second artist we see is kanye west himself and he is reciting the chorus of the song, stood in front of a lavish gold gate we notice hands trying to claw him back through the gate more notably female hands this is maybe to emphasize his female appeal or to show his distance with women a very unclear subject as of 2011 kanye has not only lost his long term girlfriend but also his mother so the degrading of women does fit a theme in his current reality of life. The nails are painted red to connate lust and danger also and a close up of his teeth show us the gold implant he had this also shows us his wealth. Later on we se kanye in a lavish bed with two females, his power and authority being shown by how the females are controlled by him as the sit in a lifeless manner on his bed  dressed in all black to ad mystery to his character. Throughout the whole video we see the representation of women as objects very apparent.

Jay-z is the next artist to be shown in the video dressed in all black as well and looking very powerful his actions and stance is of great power the back is a woman again naked and dead on a coach he is seen to be very high up and wealth. The only female in the video with any power in nicki minaj but her whole power is given to her through her sexual appeal which makes you question whether she has any power at all we see a dark nicki teasing and taunting an innocent dressed in white nicki which them makes us question whether without the sexualisation would she be give such a powerful role in the video amongst such powerful men.
The ideas behind the music video is one of many to question some would see it as an attempt to be brash and controversial in the wake of an album release some would speculate that its the typical degrading of women “video vixens” that hip-hop has come to see and some would see this as an attempt to reclaim hip hop and make it an art again. With the mist of Michael Jacksons thriller in this video i can see it as an attempt to be artistically controversial in a sense that the video fits the lyrics of the song, the degrading of women goes with the mood kanye west has towards them throughout the whole of the album that they are in fact objects and his front cover that was banded justifies that to an extent the conventions remain unclear to me but the focus point of the entire video is in fact the women and the power men have over them

Thursday 26 April 2012

Tinie Tempah- Disc-Overy

Image;- he is shown to be all powerful and in dark clothing, glasses add an enigma code to his person the eyes are the window to the soul and his eyes have been blocked out and this stops us to from viewing his true emotions

Colour;- bright colours mixed with dark colour’s send a mixed message of fun and mystery the dark and light also juxtapose each other with a good and bad connotation of the album the use of dark lighting to show how the artist is mysterious and somewhat not as straight forward as you would first assume and the light colours to show how he is good and fun loving at the same time the bright colours on to the dark colours also shift the attention to the artist and make him stand out in the image the beam around him shows him as being heavenly

Lay out;- the album cover shows him in the centre to show his dominance and power he has a city in his possession to connote that he is above everything in his presence there is a vivid triangle and he is in the centre of that too the stars and the jewellery show his glamour and  wealth

Language;- name is emphasised to draw the attention of the listener and to ensure he is fully aware of what he is purchasing it stands out and is very bold and brash the word “disc-ovary” is and hyphenated word of discovery showing the adventure and discovery behind the album cover

Kanye West- My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy

Image;- very vulgar image depicting two demons that could represent the artist and a particular female. The image is very controversial and is used to draw attention towards the album unfortunately this image a George Condo art work was banned, it was later revealed that the image was requested to be explicit and be banned intentionally as a publicity stunt, there are various connotations to words this image. My first thought is due to the title I came to the conclusion that the black male portrayed in the art is in fact Mr West and the woman is most probably a fan. The titles “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” suggest this is a depiction of the artists imagination, the image portrays excess like the albums them. The albums main these are sex excess and ego and it is represented in the art works that are presented in the booklet upon purchase of the album.

Colour;-  The main and most obvious colour is the red of the outline the red. Red is used as a symbol of guilt, sin, passion and anger, often as connected with blood or sex, sometimes even used to represent danger and a warning this colour is used to represent the feelings behind this album by the artist but to also stand out dramatically whilst on the shelf and draw in the eyes to the album cover.

Lay out;- the fact that the main act of sex is  centre of the album and that there is not writing present throughout the cover show that the act of excess is a the centre of the focal point and that it’s the main feature of the album.

Language;- no language is avalible as only an image of Kanye West was used.

This is my album cover

Friday 6 January 2012

Kanye west artist research

This is Jay-Z’s tenth studio album cover. In this image, the mise-en-scene shows Jay-Z’s in a suit which connotes power and him being the boss. This also connotes that he is more than just a rap artist but is also a business man. Jay-Z is active in this image because he is walking towards the camera unlike some album covers where the image is passive. Images of men tend to be active – therefore I would suggest this reinforces gender stereotypes. His body language is quite powerful, but not aggressive.  A long shot is used; this shows his physique, what he is wearing and what is around him.  This enables the use of mise-en-scene in terms of location to show that it is an out of hour’s cafĂ©. This connotes he is there for a meeting or perhaps some nefarious activity away from the public.

He is also seen as powerful from the way he dressed, looking at the camera and his body language which attracts the male gaze since their can relate to his fashion sense. Jay-z is written in red on the cover which can suggest he is dangerous or in a dangerous business, it also represent power (social class). The coat can also connote that he is in charge and the suit can represent professionalism. From this image, the audience gets an idea of what he does ,which might be organised crime. This is echoed in the album title.

The colours in the album cover are a bit of black and white, which represents old time Hollywood and its culture. This is seen through the surroundings which show Jay-Z’s entering some kind of 19th century cowboy bar. He is shown as the boss, like in old mafia movies where the bosses come in early before the employees arrive and the customers. Jay-Z is shown coming in from outside but the only thing behind him is a white light which suggest maybe he is coming from another time. The colours also show that it is a dark and dangerous environment not suitable for children hence the parental control sticker or logo.

The language in the album cover shows that he has one name which is not his real name but this is usual for rap artists to have stage names which attract fans. He uses a stage name which links to the album cover, this is so in a way that in the American mafia-gangsters never used their real names or just had nick names.

The background of the album cover is of a bright white light and smoky wooden wall on the sides. Jay-Z’S is the biggest image on the cover because he is the most important and he is the one being promoted. His name is written in red to attract attention and to stand out.