Friday, 27 April 2012

media evalutation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My media product doesn’t really challenge the conventions of my chosen genre but just support the ideas of hip hop how bling and so called excess is the main aspect of it and that women are mostly objects of sexual desire I choose to present my actors in more positive and negative ways for example I use the males and the dominant figures of the video and at the same time I used the females as sexual objects and that is very present in and throughout the video

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The main things that link my media pieces together is my clever use of imagery that not only link to each other but also possess a general theme to my video. The ancillary text compliment my video but also at the same time contrast with it as my ancillary texts have a very light and bright hip hop theme and my video is in turn very dark this contrast adds a juxtaposition to my media work and thus creates a good brand image to my pieces 

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I learnt from my audience when appealing to my hip-hop audience is that sex and excess sell the best most people would prefer to watch a video with flash and bling and the so called ‘hip hop big booty honeys’ than a video with a message and a political prowess towards it the reason behind this is that as an audience they seek to be withdrawn from their own life which compared to the glitz and glam of hip-hop can be very mundane they want t be transported and enticed in to a world that they only can dream of

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Media technology was used throughout the whole of my project from the design of my album art to the magazine and also the video itself applications and software tools such as Photoshop Sony Vegas and also iPhone apps such as instgram were used to edit and alter my pictures and videos to give it the new and modern look and twist to things 

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